MPHOT track
The MPHOT master program (PHOTonics for nanosciences and live sciences) is designed to provide outstanding students with multidisciplinary skills:
be able to design components and systems using micro and nano photonic technologies,
knowing biophotonic principles, biomedical instrumentation, and super-resolved microscopy techniques,
able to model electromagnetic wave propagation in complex, non-linear and structured materials,
able to manipulate physical and optical functions, as well as spectroscopic, interferometric and holographic techniques for optical metrology, imaging, and system design.
Courses taught in English.
Contact : Sylvain Lecler
Academic program
Below, the teaching description of the first (S3) and second (S4) semester of the second year of Master of this track is given for two categories of students:
TPS: Students from « PHOTO » at Télécom Physique Strasbourg in the double diploma program
HCI: other students, who do not follow the Engineer diploma at Télécom Physique Strasbourg